The year 2025 promises to be full of unexpected and transformative events in the energy sector, which could significantly influence the direction of the industry at a national level.

In 2025, the local energy sector promises major changes: the return to the free energy market, the operationalization of the Romgaz power plant in Iernut and the surge in investments in green energy. In parallel, the market is undergoing a profound transformation, with the withdrawal of European giants such as Enel or E.ON and the entry of regional players. In this complicated geopolitical context, Romania has the chance to consolidate its position as a regional energy hub, capitalizing on the resources and potential it possesses. Everything, however, remains to be played.
2025: Record year for energy investments?
From the commissioning of Unit 1 at Cernavodă in 1996 and the second reactor in 2007, to the renewable energy waves of 2009-2014 and 2022, the Romanian energy sector has evolved constantly. However, 2025 promises to be the year with the largest commissioning in the last three decades, according to ANRE data.
Romania could add 2,854 new MW, of which 430 MW from the completion of the Iernut gas-fired power plant (Romgaz) and the rest from solar and wind energy projects, already approved. These investments mark a milestone for the country's energy transition and position 2025 as a crucial year for the sustainable development of the sector.
2025: A promising new year for prosumers
The "Green House" program and the PNRR provide sufficient funds for the installation of photovoltaic panels for approximately 128,000 prosumers in 2025. This increase would bring the total number of prosumers in Romania to 300,000, with an estimated installed power of 2,900 MW, according to IEA data.
These investments strengthen the role of prosumers in the energy transition and significantly contribute to increasing renewable energy production capacity at the national level.
2025: The year of energy storage acceleration?
After a modest start in 2024, 2025 promises significant investments in energy storage solutions, essential for the safe integration of renewable projects into the energy system. Romania already has an advantage with local manufacturer Prime Batteries and continues to attract investment.
A notable example is the €50 million long-term storage battery factory announced by Sinteza SA of Oradea in partnership with Lockheed Martin. This project highlights the country’s potential in developing energy storage and transitioning to a sustainable economy.
2025: New CfD auctions and the fight for European funds
The first auction for Contracts for Difference (CfD), a state aid scheme for green energy, ended in 2024, with the second part following in 2025. This scheme plays a key role, connecting investment projects with bank financing.
Competition to attract European funds remains intense in all areas, and the success of the Romgaz bond issue, which attracted 500 million euros for Neptun Deep, could be replicated by other companies, such as Electrica, which has already announced its intentions.
However, 2025 is shaping up to be a year marked by instability and investor caution, amplified by the upcoming elections and economic pressure on Romania, which is introducing new taxes to reduce the deficit.