W4Energy, a subsidiary of Blvd Support, is led by a board with over 25 years of business experience.
We provide integrated and profitable solutions for renewable energy investments, giving you the opportunity to achieve considerable profits that ensure your financial stability for at least 20 years, supported by solid and sustainable contracts.
W4Energy: Leader in renewable energy investments and solutions in Romania
W4Energy, a subsidiary of Blvd Support, is led by a board with over 25 years of business experience.
We provide integrated and profitable solutions for renewable energy investments, giving you the opportunity to achieve considerable profits that ensure your financial stability for at least 20 years, supported by solid and sustainable contracts.

With a solid track record in rapidly completing large-scale projects, we have attracted over 270 investors to the W4Solar Project. We focus on the continuous development of innovative photovoltaic projects, having a significant impact on the Romanian energy market. Contribute to the transformation of the energy market and invest in the future of green energy!
Our vision
La W4Energy, ne ocupăm de toate etapele necesare pentru proiectarea și autorizarea parcului tău fotovoltaic, garantând un proces fluid și complet conform cu reglementările. Proiectarea detaliată realizată de inginerii noștri asigură o integrare perfectă a sistemului în spațiul disponibil, maximizând eficiența și performanța energetică.
Our goal
Our goal is to expand our production capacity to over 100MW installed, by developing large-scale projects in the renewable energy sector. We will achieve this through continued investments in modern technologies and state-of-the-art infrastructure, which will allow us to significantly increase our efficiency and capacity to generate green energy.
• Gestionăm procesul de cumpărare, concesionare sau închiriere.
• În cazul terenurilor extravilane, asigurăm întocmirea PUZ-ului și scoaterea din circuitul agricol.
• Obținem certificatul de urbanism pe baza extrasului CF și cererii.
• Realizăm studiul de oportunitate pentru evacuarea puterii.
• Ne ocupăm de obținerea avizelor solicitate prin certificatul de urbanism.
Renewable energy
• Elaborăm studiul de soluție necesar obținerii Avizului Tehnic de Racordare (ATR).
• Pregătim DTAC (Documentația Tehnică pentru Autorizația de Construcție) și obținem autorizația de construcție.
• Realizăm proiectul tehnic complet, de la integrarea sistemului fotovoltaic până la planificarea evacuării puterii.
Through innovation, sustainability and our commitment to quality, we aim to redefine the energy market, offering efficient and environmentally friendly solutions that will contribute to creating a cleaner and safer future.
Benefit from safe, sustainable investments and attractive financial returns. Invest in the transition to green energy and contribute to sustainability with W4Energy !
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